Children born today:
Date of birth -27 - 8 - 2020 (Dominant date of Mars)
Joint number of date of birth - 21 (Guru's dominant number)
Date of birth Hebrew number - 45 (Mars dominant number)
Birthday - Thursday
The Hebrew number of babies born today is 45. This 45 number signifies the dominance of Mars at 9 with the 4th number Rahu and the 5th number Wednesday. There is value and respect in the community. Adults will behave with great humility. There will be self-opinion and opinion on any issues.
Cup with wine - Images such as spilled wine cups are associated with this number 45 in the Egyptian pyramids. "The magical texts refer to this number as the fruit of the vote - the realization of the future." This number 45 is also the lucky number as it gives the dominant power of Mars along with Rahu and Mercury.
Even the most ordinary man can reach the highest level. Achieve great positions - unparalleled superiority. Hard work - and the astonishing ability to accomplish his thing - will make it easy for these people.
There will be great superiority in the voting-related industries. The number 45 will help them in their pursuit of happiness, in the pursuit of a better future, in the pursuit of a better future, for a better future, for a better marriage, for a better marriage, for a better future.
Business address or the name of the individual will be lucky to come to this 45 number. This number gives the person born under the dominance of 9th and 5th the status of promotion - leadership -. Chronic Defects - Family Problems Even if there is something in it, they will live with a smiling face.
Date of birth 2 - 20 - 29 - 11 - 7 - 16 - 25 - Those who come - Joint number of the date of birth 2 - 7 - Hebrew number of the date of birth - 2 - 7 - The number 45 should not be named.
Also, if the name is 1 + 44 = 45, 1 + 43 = 45, 7 + 38 = 45, the benefit of this 45 number cannot be obtained.
Lucky ones:
Lucky Direction- South
Lucky Paint - Blue Fair
Lucky stone - coral
Lucky Week - Tuesday Thursday Friday
Lucky Metal - Gold Silver
Worship of the lucky deity - Lord Murugan
Lucky Star - Animal Head Picture Avittam
Attention Parents:
If the Hebrew Pyramid No. 45 in the horoscope of a child born today is in a system that could bring evil to Mars, the child's parents should make amends:
Remedy: 1
Go to the planetary Vaitheeswaran temple and worship Vaitheeswaran and Muthukumara Swami who are staying there.
Remedy: 2
All the doshas can be cured by going to the temple where the Navagrahas are and worshiping Lord Mars on Tuesday with a red flower.
World celebrities born today, August 27:
Sir Don Bradman - Former Australian cricketer (born 27 - 8 - 1908)
Sir Thorapji Tata - Entrepreneur of India (born 27 - 8 - 1932)
Alexa Vega - American Actress Singer (born 27 - 8 - 1988)
Problems in your family? Is there a difference of opinion between husband and wife? Is marriage delayed? Are you not blessed with marriage and children? Isn't your baby lucky enough to be born? Property problem? Is there no permanent job? Are you at a loss in the business you do? Does your store - or your company - have a lucky name? Are you suffering from debt? Not available for promotion? Failed to go abroad and earn money? Chronic illness? Have you failed in every endeavor you make for the betterment of life? Don't worry. This is because even if your horoscope is yoga, the structure of your name - your date of birth - the compound number of your date of birth - the Hebrew number - may be dominated by evil planets that do not benefit you. To get rid of all these problems, scrutinize your horoscope system - your date of birth - birth number - Hebrew number - to make a small correction to your name according to the lucky nomenclature system to benefit immediately and to succeed in every endeavor in life to prosper life through astrology We guide.
We offer astrological advice by mail and telephone to those who wish to consult with us from abroad.
Contact address:
Astrologer: R.Ravanan .B.Sc
Astrology, Fingerprinting, Arithmetic Astrology,
Lucky Nomenclature Researcher
Near Raja Muthiah Hospital,
Kalungumedu Annamalai Nagar,
Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India
Contact Numbers:
91 + 8122733328
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