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Numerology name numbers that cause doubt in husband's behavior? Lucky Hebrew Numerology Astrologer - Lucky Name Researcher - RR Ravanan BSC

                                                  Om Shiva Shakti

One to one is the culture of our Tamils. If there are men who hesitate and are afraid to think of any woman other than their wife, then their horoscope system is a perfect horoscope system. 

However, even if one's Janana Jataka has such a perfect planetary system that he is well-disciplined in the matter of women, he will not even mentally think of any woman other than his wife, there may be situations in which the Jataka will be unfaithful to his wife and go astray. 

The reason for this is that their name systems are also a factor. 

Similarly, in one's horoscope, the lord of the third house to the Ascendant, Venus, Mars, even if these planets are in conjunction, 

Whether it is a one-to-one transaction, (i.e. sitting at home with one another  ) or one-to-one contact, the horoscope will have a lot of sensuality. 

In the above mentioned planets, the letter U, V can represent Venus. The ruling number of this Venus is the 6th number. Similarly, the number 9 can represent Mars. 

Any woman whose husband's name has total combination numbers of 2 6 9 4 should monitor her husband's chastity very carefully. The 2nd number which can be the compound numbers of the above name is the number which represents the Moon in Navagrahas.

Moon is the most beautiful among the nava planets. Chandra has a total of 27 wives. Chandran had arranged for a great sacrifice and had invited all the Devadi Devas for it. All the Devas along with their consorts attended. 

In it, Lord Guru came with his wife Tarai in the Nava Guru planets. Enchanted by the beauty of the moon, Tara left her husband and stayed with the moon and started a family with him. Then on the advice of the gods she united with her husband.

If the first letter of the husband's name of any woman begins with Moon's ruling letter  B K R etc. and the total composite numbers of the name are placed in the 2nd  number which is Moon's ruling number   , then the husband of that woman will take more care in beautifying herself. 

As befits him, his looks and figure are set in such a way as to attract other women. In short, there is something special about him that attracts women.

Even in the case of women, this aspect of attracting others can lead to a situation where the woman's husband goes astray.

So any woman whose husband's name conjunct number  is in 2nd  lord of Moon ? Know that.

Next, Venus's ruling number 6 is the ruling number of lust. The ruling letters of Venus belonging to this Kama are  U V   . If the initial letter of the husband's name of any woman begins with U V  , the dominant letter of Shukra   , and the total composite number of the name falls on the number  6 , the dominant number of  Shukra, then the husband of the woman will have slightly more lust than other men. 

He has a different approach to sexual affairs. Due to this, the woman may even hate her husband. In this situation, the woman's husband may go astray and even go on the wrong path in the situation where there is an argument between the husband and wife. 

Next is the 9th number which is the ruling number of Mars   . It is a number that gives sensuality and courage. It is also a number that can give you a youthful appearance.

If the initial letter of a woman's husband's name begins with U, V, the dominant letter of Venus, which can be said to be lustful  ,   and the total composite number of the name is  located in the 9th, the ruling number of Mars, which can be said  to be courageous, then he will act boldly and get into trouble without thinking about anything related to lust.

Next let's take Rahu 's ruling number 4.

Lord Rahu who can represent this  4th  number is called Bhogakara. The total number of the word SEX which can represent lust  (SEX = 3 + 5+ 5= 13 = 1 + 3 = 4 when observing Rahu  's number is coming  is a number that can enjoy Bhoga in favorable situations. assume,  

  For those who have initial letter like DMT which can represent this number and  whose name is placed in the  4th  number which is the ruling number of Rahu in the total composite number of the name, the sensuality will be a little high.

The initial letters of the above mentioned name are  U, V, B, K, R, D, M, T  , etc. and the compound numbers of the name are  6 2 9 4.   When all these numbers are associated with the name of a woman's husband, it is said that the woman's husband will have more desires in the matter of women. 

If you want to make sure that the husband cheats on his wife and gets in touch with another woman, Saturn is the planet responsible for tragic events in nava planets, getting tired, forming base thoughts, going against social norms, loving adulterers (women who do base acts) etc. . 

The number representing Lord Saturn is 8. If the initial letters of the above name, the compound numbers of the name, appear in the name of a person, and if the name comes as 8 in the Hebrew pyramid number of that name or the letter P, the dominant letter of Lord Saturn, is associated with that name, then the man will marry his wife. He cheats and gets in touch with another woman.

Let's see an example name.

 Suppose there is a person named  MITNA  .

6 2 = 8 is the Hebrew number 
1 5 6
5 5 9 6
4 1 4 5 1
MITNA = 15 = 6 Numerology   Number 

The initial letter of this name starts with M, the dominant letter of Ra, and the total number of the name comes in the number 6 , the dominant letter of Shukra, which can be said to be Kamakara   , and the Hebrew pyramid number of the name comes in the number 8, the dominant number of Lord Saturn.

Thus, if the initial letter of a person's name  includes letters like U, V, B, K, R, D, M, T, P   , and the total number of the name or the Hebrew pyramid numbers of the name  , such as  2 8 9.4  , then that person has a wife other than his wife. Chances of female contact are high. 

Trouble in your family? Disagreement between husband and wife? Is marriage delayed? Are you married and not blessed with children? Was your baby born unluckily named? Is property a problem? No permanent job offer? Loss in your business? Is your store - or your company - not having any luck getting a name? Are you suffering from debt problems? Didn't get a promotion? Failed in trying to earn abroad? An incurable disease in the body? Are you failing in every effort you make to improve your life? Don't worry. The reason for  this is your horoscopeEven if it is placed in yoga, your name structure - your date of birth - composite number of date of birth - hebrew number - etc. may be ruled by malefic planets. To get rid of all such problems analyze your horoscope well - your date of birth - composite number of date of birth - hebrew number - correct your name according to lucky nomenclature to get success in your every endeavor in life and for a prosperous life through astrology. We guide.  

We provide astrological consultation through mail and telephone to those who wish to see astrology with us from abroad.

Contact Address:
Astrologer :R.Ravanan .B.Sc
Astrology, palmistry, numerological astrology, 
Lucky nomenclature researcher
Near Raja Muthiah Hospital,
Kalungumedu Annamalai Nagar,   
Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India 
MAIL ADDRESS: ammanastrology@gmail.com 
WEBSITE: www.ammanastrology.blogspot.com 
Contact Numbers:
91 + 8122733328

Written by : R. Ravanan - Astrologist

He is specilist in Numerology, Hebrew Lucky Name and Numerology lucky name.

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