Home » » July 17 - 2022 - What is the future of children born today on Sunday? How to name lucky children born today? What are the remedies to remove the defects in the horoscope of children born today? Lucky Hebrew Numerology Astrologer - Lucky Name Researcher - R. Ravana BSC

July 17 - 2022 - What is the future of children born today on Sunday? How to name lucky children born today? What are the remedies to remove the defects in the horoscope of children born today? Lucky Hebrew Numerology Astrologer - Lucky Name Researcher - R. Ravana BSC

                                                Mother Bhumadevi

                                           of children born today 

Date of Birth - 17 - 7 - 2022 - Dominant date of Saturn 
Composite number of date of birth is 21 - Dominant number of Guru 
Hebrew pyramid number of date of birth is 22 - Ruling number of Rahu 
Birthday - Sunday 

Today 17 - 7 - 2022 - Sunday Birth Date Hebrew Pyramid Number 22. 

2 2 =     This is the Hebrew pyramid number of the date of birth 
7 4 7
9 7 6 1
4 5 2 4 6
8 5 9 2 2 4
1 7 7 2 0 2 2 =   Date of Birth 

It is the combination of the two ruling numbers of the Moon and the ruling of Rahu. This number can come in Gemini, the house of Mercury. 

It is a very wonderful number ruled by Rahu. More powerful. Due to getting the dominant number of two moons and realizing the dominance of Rahu, it causes a type of yoga called Samara Yoga.

It is found in the Mantras as the number giving the rank of Thiruvadis who were bathed by the crown light of Vishnu Brahma Indra. 

The Egyptian pyramid images of a man dreaming of a position and position to enjoy all kinds of pleasures in life are associated with this number 22. 

It is also said that Rahu is neither a giver nor a taker. Even those who are in a state of extreme poverty and who are lords of millions, there are also famous people in this number.

 They are also easily emotional. Lagiri objects are the pleasures of intoxicating substances and serious involvements in these will occur. 

Due to circumstances, there will be occasions where one can forget oneself and lose all the earth and earth objects due to unconscious emotions. 

Surrounded by dur mantras and not listening to their words, they get stuck in dire situations. Some selfish people make them scapegoats for their health. 

Those who are heading towards prosperous life path will be involved in wealth, good life partner vehicle, spirituality and philosophy.

 The friendship of people in high positions, the ability to cope with any difficulties without worry, excellent management skills are all possessed by this number people. 

There are some people who have excessive devotion to God. There are some people who are not spiritually inclined in this number. Also note that there are only 22 letters in the Hebrew language. 

Date of Birth - For children whose birth date falls on 1 - 10 - 19 - 28 - Composite Number of Date of Birth - Hebrew Pyramid Number of Birth Date For children whose name falls on 1 st, the name number is 22, but the Hebrew pyramid number of the name is 19 - 37 - 46 - 73 - 82 - 91- Even if one of these is arranged, excellence is certain. 

Attention parents of children:

If you choose a lucky name and name the child according to the birth horoscope of the combined number of the birth date of the children, the Atishta Deepam will not go out. 

                                              Lucky ones:

Direction – East 
Color - Yellow light blue 
Stone - Yellow topaz 
Saturday - Sunday Monday 
initial letter - M - T - A - I - J
Date - 4 22 13 31 1 10 19 29 11 20
Deity Worship - Mahaganapati
Nakshatra - Tiruvadhirai Swathi Satayam 

Remedies to be done by the child's parents to get rid of the dosha caused by Rahu planet belonging to the 22nd number of the child born today on Sunday:

Every day when you go to bed take some urad and put it on your pillow and go to sleep and when you wake up in the morning you should take that urad and put it on the crow. Continue doing this for nine days and after the 9th day you should go to Shivalayam and worship Shiva or go to Ambal temple to worship Ambal and the harm caused by Rahu will be removed. 

                       World celebrities born today on July 17:

Bharti Raja - Indian Tamil film director (born 17 – 7 1941)

Mike Vogel - American actor - world famous for the movie The Help (born 17 - 7 - 1979)

Angela Merkel- 8th President of Germany (Born 17 - 7 - 1954)


Trouble in your family? Disagreement between husband and wife? Is marriage delayed? Are you married and not blessed with children? Was your baby born unluckily named? Is property a problem? No permanent job offer? Loss in your business? Is your store - or your company - not having any luck getting a name? Are you suffering from debt problems? Didn't get a promotion? Failed in trying to earn abroad? An incurable disease in the body? Are you failing in every effort you make to improve your life? Don't worry. The reason for  this is your horoscopeEven if it is placed in yoga, your name structure - your date of birth - composite number of date of birth - Hebrew number - etc. may be ruled by malefic planets. To get rid of all such problems analyze your horoscope well - your date of birth - composite number of date of birth - hebrew number - correct your name according to lucky nomenclature to get success in your every endeavor in life and for a prosperous life through astrology. We guide.  

We provide astrological consultation through mail and telephone to those who wish to see astrology with us from abroad.

Contact Address:
Astrologer :R.Ravanan .B.Sc
Astrology, palmistry, numerological astrology, 
Lucky nomenclature researcher
Near Raja Muthiah Hospital,
Kalungumedu Annamalai Nagar,   
Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India 
MAIL ADDRESS: ammanastrology@gmail.com 
WEBSITE: www.ammanastrology.blogspot.com 
Contact Numbers:
91 + 8122733328

Written by : R. Ravanan - Astrologist

He is specilist in Numerology, Hebrew Lucky Name and Numerology lucky name.

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