Home » » Wouldn’t it be great for the family if the baby was born around the flag? Spiritual Astrologer - Lucky Hebrew Arithmetic Astrologer - Lucky Name Researcher - R. Ravana BSC

Wouldn’t it be great for the family if the baby was born around the flag? Spiritual Astrologer - Lucky Hebrew Arithmetic Astrologer - Lucky Name Researcher - R. Ravana BSC

Bad planets in the horoscope of newborns will see the sign of the zodiac and for some other reason the baby will be born around the flag. 

Aries - Taurus - Leo - One of the signs of Mars and Saturn in it or the child born to see both planets will be born around two flags. 

If you look only at Mars the red flag will be born around one. 

If you look only at Saturn a dark colored flag will be born around it.

Apart from these, the astrological book Kumaraswamy says that if the Sun Moon Rahu Mars Saturn is included except Aries - Leo - Taurus Janma Laknamagi Guru, the newborn baby will be born around the flag. 

Thillai Nayakanar, the author of the horoscope Chintamani, says that a child born to be in Lakkinam will be born around the body in the evening, even if there are sinners in Lakkinam or the house of the evil planets will be Lakkinam.  

Who is at fault for the relationship:

The Shanti Ratnakaram thread says that if the flag is around the body of the child three times, it is bad for the child if it is around twice, if it is around the mother once, if it is around the father, if it is around the sides, if it is around the brothers, then it is bad for the child. 

Remedy for:

To avoid the harm caused by babies born around the flag like this, you should look at the baby's face through the visible image in the oil without looking directly at the first sight. This method is customary. 

He would not only look at the face in the oil but also make a wire out of silver just like the flag was around the child's body and donate the neighborhood and the oil container to him. 

Problems in your family? Husband - Wife - Is there a difference of opinion between the two? Is marriage late? Are you not blessed with marriage and children? Didn't your baby get a lucky name at birth? Property problem? Is there no permanent job? Are you at a loss in the business you do? Does your store - or your company - have a lucky name? Are you suffering from debt problem? Not available for promotion? Failed to go abroad and earn money? Chronic illness? Have you failed in every endeavor you make for the betterment of life? Don't worry. The reason for this interest in your birth chart of the Even if it is yoga, the structure of your name - your date of birth - joint number of the date of birth - Hebrew number - may be dominated by evil planets that do not benefit. To get rid of all these problems, scrutinize your horoscope system - your date of birth - birth number combination - Hebrew number - make a small correction to your name according to the lucky nomenclature system so that you can immediately benefit from it. We guide.  

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Contact address:

Astrologer: R.Ravanan .B.Sc
Astrology, Fingerprinting, Arithmetic Astrology, 
Lucky Nomenclature Researcher
Near Raja Muthiah Hospital,
Kalungumedu Annamalai Nagar,   
Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India 
MAIL ADDRESS: ammanastrology@gmail.com
Contact Numbers:
91 + 8122733328

Written by : R. Ravanan - Astrologist

He is specilist in Numerology, Hebrew Lucky Name and Numerology lucky name.

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