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Bright planets in sports? Spiritual Astrologer - Lucky Hebrew Arithmetic Astrologer - Lucky Name Researcher - R. Ravana BSC

In the horoscope, Lucknow has 6 sin games and Gemini zodiac sign.

A great athlete has the ability to act with power, to make decisions immediately, to be physically strong, to have the courage, to persevere, to not fail.

It is better to be in a place like 3 - 6 - 10 - 11 which is the place where Lord Mars gets strength and subjugation. Being in 3 - 6 - 10 - 11 with Rahu strength will give physical strength. Also the peak of Mars and Mercury rule is a special feature to shine on the playing field.

Mercury is the one who gives you the ability to make decisions right away so you need his partner.

Winning the tournament is the best thing for the sport. Therefore, the 6th sin for Lakkinam, the 6th planet, the planetary strength in the 6th planet is the planetary system for achieving great achievements in the field of sports.

                                                                     Raja Yogas for Sports:

                                                                        Vasumathi Yoga:

The auspicious planets are in 3 - 6 - 11 for Lucknow. It is also one step closer to the Moon at 3 - 6 - 11 which is a special planetary system.

                                                                                 Amala Yoga:

The auspicious planets in the 10th place for Lakkinam or the Moon are the planetary system for Raja Yoga in the field of sports.

                                                                                       Barijata Yoga:

The supreme rule of the zodiac in which Lakkinadipathi is is the great system to shine in the field of sports and is a planetary system. This Parijata Yoga is a great organization of fame. Praise by the government is a great organization.

For example Meena Lakshman. Its lucky ruler is Guru Virgo. Barijata Yoga is a great organization where the lord Mercury of the Virgo zodiac gains strength and rules in Gemini and gets the central system for Lakkinam.

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We offer astrological advice by mail and telephone to those who wish to consult with us from abroad.

Contact address:

Astrologer: R.Ravanan .B.Sc

Astrology, Fingerprinting, Arithmetic Astrology,

Lucky Nomenclature Researcher

Near Raja Muthiah Hospital,

Kalungumedu Annamalai Nagar,

Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India

MAIL ADDRESS: ammanastrology@gmail.com

WEBSITE: www.ammanastrology.blogspot.com

Contact Numbers:

91 + 8122733328

Written by : R. Ravanan - Astrologist

He is specilist in Numerology, Hebrew Lucky Name and Numerology lucky name.

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